Cleaning The House Using Fruits And Vegetables

A healthy diet should be based on lots of vegetables and fruits. But, beside their indisputable health benefits you can also try using them for cleaning purposes. You will be amazed how helpful they can be.

Fruit acid is a great natural cleaner, especially when grease is involved. Lemon, for example, is great for degreasing and deodorizing, as well. If your wooden cutting board, for example, needs a little refreshing, after cutting fish or raw meat, or worse, onions or garlic, just cut a lemon in half and rub it throughout the whole surface of the cutting board and that will eliminate any odor left.

You can use lemons cut in half to deodorize your fridge, as well. All you have to do is to cut one or two lemons in half and place them in the fridge. When they start looking funny, get them out and into the garbage.

One vegetable that can really help you in the kitchen is the humble potato. And I’m not talking about cooking here, obviously. If you have pots with burnt fat or leftover food on, just grab a potato, cut it in half, spread some baking soda or sugar, or even unrefined salt on your dirty pan, get your potato cut in half and start rubbing the pan until all the goo is gone.

You can clean your oven, stove top, or microwave, no matter how dirty they are, by just mixing lemon juice or grapefruit juice with baking soda.

You can use banana peel to give your leather couch a fresh look, after cleaning it with white vinegar and water.

Here’s a simple all-purpose cleaner recipe with lemon which you can use pretty much to clean everything in the house:

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • a quarter of a cup of white vinegar
  • 4 cups of hot water
  • the juice from half a lemon

To that, you can also add lavender essential oil or whichever scent you please, to make it smell nice.How to use fruits and vegetables for cleaning purposes