Home Remedies To Clean Your Throat And Sinuses

A cold is always unpleasant, especially because it comes along with sore throat, runny nose or mucus. Luckily, there are numerous homemade and natural methods to help you deal with these symptoms and get your respiratory tract clear.

Among the most popular remedies for sore throat we found honey. Aside of its wonderful taste, honey has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps with irritation. It also contains an enzyme known as “glucose-oxidase”, a powerful ally against infections. It is also antiseptic and antibacterial and helps reduce swelling and pain.

You can mix honey with milk to moisturize the throat (gently heat them until warm). Or you canĀ  mix it with lemon to help with the swelling. Finally, you can mix it with apple cider vinegar and a pinch of salt to make a liquid gargle.

Cinnamon is another great remedy for sore throat. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon into a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of black pepper. Strain it and gargle 3 times a day with it.

You can also use salty water to gargle in order to ease your sore throat.

Among other natural ingredients that help cleaning your sinuses and your sore throat, there are: sage, turmeric, tomato juice, green tea, raspberry tea, and also chamomile tea, which you can use for infusions and get rid of the runny nose, as well.

You can also add a few drops of sage and Echinacea essential oils into a tea infusion, both being known for their cold-scaring properties, especially when mixed together.

Among other natural remedies against cold there is also peppermint, which you can use as tea or essence for aromatherapy in order to get rid of a runny nose and clear the sinuses.

Another way to clear a stuffy nose would be to use a humidifier next to your bed.

Make sure you drink plenty of liquids. Orange juice is known to help due to the vitamin C. And to clean the sinuses, you can also add hot peppers to your meals. Ginger and garlic are also worth trying.