How To Remove Chickenpox Marks

Chickenpox can be a nightmare not only for your overall health, but also for your skin, especially when it’s not treated properly. Therefore, make sure you get your proper treatment from a licensed, professional doctor before even trying one of the advises below.

Chickenpox is actually a contagious virus, and it is not to be toyed with. Therefore, please keep in mind that the following remedies are only suggestions that have been known to work on many people. They are not medical advises. Each person is unique, and reacts differently to everything.

Among the natural remedies for chickenpox marks we found oats. And here’s how you use it to improve the aspects of chickenpox scars:

You need to make a porridge for your skin: mix warm water with raw oats and apply it on the skin, but not before you let it cool down. Gently rub the scars with it and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse.

Baking soda is another home remedy to help clear chickenpox marks. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one cup of water. It is known to help with the pain relief and itchiness cause by chickenpox, and also with the inflammation. After mixing the water with the baking soda, the result should resemble a smooth paste. Place it on the affected area and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Rinse.

Honey, papaya, aloe vera, lemon juice, coconut oil, cocoa butter or lavender oil, are also worth mentioning when it comes to cleansing the skin from chickenpox marks.

You can mix the honey with raw oats to make it even more efficient, and the papaya with brown sugar and milk.

You might have aloe vera in the house. If you do, you can just take it right from the source. Cut a leaf and open it. Get the inside gel and rub it on the chickenpox scars or marks twice or three times a day.

Use a cotton ball to dab the scars with lemon juice. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse.

If you want to treat the marks with coconut oil, make sure you get extra virgin because it is better than regular one.

If we’re talking about cocoa butter, use it three times a day and gently massage it in until it is fully absorbed in the skin.