Homemade Remedies For Dandruff Prevention

Dandruff is made of dead skin cells. It is a scalp disorder, sometimes accompanied by redness and irritation. It can be treated with special shampoos, but there is not really any treatment available, because...

Homemade Laundry Detergent For Baby Clothes

Baby clothes need special attention and if possible, zero chemicals when washing. Due to the fact that babies have very sensitive skin, everything that touches it must be gentle. When it comes to what to...

How To Properly Clean Your Cell Phone

A dirty cell phone doesn't have to look dirty. Germs are there and by wiping your phone on your jacket or pants, won't make them disappear. You should do more. Keeping your cell phone germ-free...

How To Deep Clean Your House Cleaning Tools

Cleaning the entire house can really be in vain if your cleaning utensils  are not clean. So, to keep a germ-free home firstly you need to take care of your cleaning tools or utensils. It's...

How To Make Toilet Freshener

Do you like to make your own cleaning products? Now you have the chance to learn how to make your own toiler freshener. And as you will see, it is quite simple to do.   Here's...

Cleaning The House Using Fruits And Vegetables

A healthy diet should be based on lots of vegetables and fruits. But, beside their indisputable health benefits you can also try using them for cleaning purposes. You will be amazed how helpful they...

How To Clean Your Loofah, Hairbrush And Toothbrush

An uncleaned loofah can get your skin into a lot of trouble. So can an unsanitized toothbrush or a dirty hairbrush. So it is very important to keep them clean. The most common way to...

Homemade Cleaning Products With Lemon

Lemons are a treasure for mankind. There can be used for so many purposes from teeth whitening or wight loss to fridge freshener or cleaning products. Here's how to use them for cleaning purposes: One multi-purpose...

How To Properly Clean Your Jeans And Bra

You can ruin your favorite pair of jeans if you don't wash them properly. They're one clothing item which requires special attention. Another item needing special attention is your bra. The rash that comes...

Essential Tips For Wooden Kitchen Utensils

Wooden kitchen utensils can get quite dirty and they can also pick up unpleasant odors from edibles such as onion, raw meat, eggs or garlic. How to keep them like new? First of all, wash them...