Cleaning Hacks With Tea And Alcohol

Everyone has in their kitchen some tea leaves or tea bags. What would you say if beside using them for making tea you could also use them for cleaning purposes? The same applies for...

Brilliant Baking Soda Cleaning Hacks

Baking soda may be the best thing you could have in your home. It is good for your health, your skin, your hair and it is a great ally in the cleaning war. To...

How To Remove Chickenpox Marks

Chickenpox can be a nightmare not only for your overall health, but also for your skin, especially when it's not treated properly. Therefore, make sure you get your proper treatment from a licensed, professional...

Home Remedies To Clean Your Throat And Sinuses

A cold is always unpleasant, especially because it comes along with sore throat, runny nose or mucus. Luckily, there are numerous homemade and natural methods to help you deal with these symptoms and get...

How To Clean Your Lungs After Quitting Smoking

The damage done to your body, and especially to your lungs, because of smoking is irreversible. Especially if you've smoke a long period of time. There are various natural methods that can help you...

Quick Tips For Various Household Chores

House cleaning is not such a burden if you have the right inside tips. Not even cleaning the bathroom, toilet or those greasy kitchen cabinets or stove top. If you follow some basic tips...

Tips To Keep Your Fridge Clean

It is important for our health and the health of our loved ones to keep the fridge clean. Beside disinfecting and washing the inside of the fridge, it is also crucial to make sure...

How To Whiten Your Teeth And Avoid Bad Breath

If you want to whiten and clean your teeth at home, there are several ingredients that can help you. Most of these homemade remedies are based on baking soda, sea salt, lemon, coconut oil,...

How To Clean Your Skin Of Makeup And Impurities

You don't need to buy all those expensive makeup removal products. By combining the proper ingredients, you can start making your own skin cleanser. There are also natural products which you can use on their...

How To Properly Wash Your Gym Clothes

Most gym clothes are made of neoprene or other neoprene mixed fabrics. And it is not recommended to wash them in the washing machine. How to properly clean them, then? First of all, let's see...